If you’d like to book any of these talks (or others), feel free to reach out!

Reversim Summit 2022 // Antifragile Teams – how to build teams that gain from disorder


Antifragility is the ability to gain value from disorder, stress and randomness. Meaning, unexpected events result in positive consequences.

This kind of events are extremely common in every engineering organization. For instance – a production incident, a key employee leaving your team or an urgent request from a demanding customer.

Building teams based on an antifragile culture will lead to higher confidence, faster delivery, more resilient systems and an ever learning mindset.

In this talk I’ll share the key concepts for building such teams and how to leverage your next crisis to team growth.


Reversim’s agenda: https://summit2022.reversim.com/agenda/session/969827

Practical Strategies for Winning Back Your Time


The high-paced world of software engineering comes with an avalanche of tasks, bugs, meetings, and distractions, leading to overwhelm and burnout. In my talk, I’ll share practical tips from my own experience to help you manage time and energy more effectively. This toolkit, crafted through trial and error, will provide you the means to better handle your workday pressures. Join me as we address the reality of feeling overwhelmed, explore the importance of managing your energy, and discover why making progress is the only success metric in time management. By the end of this talk, you’ll have a new perspective and a validated framework to genuinely reclaim control of your time.

How I did it wrong – 9 simple ways to destroy your internal community [Monday-U, Community Managers 2023]


Building internal communities is an incredibly difficult task.

In the past two years I’ve been building and leading the R&D Team Lead Community at AppsFlyer, and have failed so many times during this journey.

In this talk I’ll share 9 simple ways to destroy internal communities, which I’ve learned the hard way. I’ll focus on providing useful tips and takeaways from my experience, so you can avoid the mistakes I’ve already made.


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